Co-Founder | Co-Owner | Small Business Coach | Marketing Strategist | Sales Expert
Wide Awake Marketing, LLC, doing business as Wide Awake Business (WAB), was founded in 2004 to deliver the unmet needs of smaller businesses and family-owned companies, specifically practical, actionable marketing and sales services that attract new customers, reconnect with former clients and grow the business as they desire.WAB has demonstrated its ability to grow companies and get more customers through its work with over 4,780 businesses increasing their revenue by $234 million dollars, improving processes and systems, building team and coaching CEOs and executives. We have delivered business growth services to customers around the globe.In 2012 the company's founders, Martha Hanlon and Chris Williams, entered the Amazon Best Seller list with their book, Customers Are the Answer to Everything. Jay Conrad Levinson, the father of marketing exclusively for small business and the best-selling author of Guerrilla Marketing, wrote the forward for the book, and has called Martha Hanlon and Chris Williams, "…one of the foremost authorities in how to get and keep customers."WAB's team of consultants and specialists now has grown to 15, including project managers, business development assistants, copywriters, CRM systems experts, public relations specialists, website developers and graphic designers.