Creating Sustainable Employment, Trade Aid is the UK registered charity that supports and manages Trade Aid's activities in Tanzania.Its aim is to support the community in Mikindani by creating sustainable employment, offering opportunities for work, education and training.Tanzania officially ranks as one of the world's poorest nations. Poverty is endemic. It is the aim of Trade Aid to manage projects that will help alleviate this poverty.Trade Aid's activities help to develop sustainable employment. We work on a number of projects in Mikindani in partnership with the national, regional and local government of Tanzania and the community of Mikindani.Our key project to date has been the restoration and development of the Old Boma, a training hotel based in Mikindani offering education and employment to the community through encouraging tourism and trade.In 2012, work commenced on Livingstone House, a second restoration project nearby. This will create new work spaces and an education and information centre, made sustainable by renting out the newly created first floor residential accommodation.