The Cognitive Systems Society is a student-run organization supporting students in the COGS program, and those with an interest in COGS-related fields such as neuroscience, artificial intelligence, human-computer interfaces, and robotics. We hold a wide range of fun events, including popular licensed events (such as the Welcome back BBQ, Robot-Themed Dance Parties, and Masters of Debate), and academic events (study sessions, Meet the Profs). We also have a lab space with a patio in the basement of the Friedman building if you ever want to study or just relax.Volunteering for the CSS is a great way to meet fellow COGS students, contribute to UBC's campus life, and learn valuable leadership skills. The student executive, which organizes events and promotes everything COGS, is elected every spring. You can also get involved through helping out with their events or dropping by weekly meetings which are open to all CSS members.