Lecturer, supervisor for new lecturers at Narodni centrum bezpecnejsiho internetu - Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
Narodni centrum bezpecnejsiho intenetu (NCBI/National Safer Internet Centre) is a not-for-profit working NGO established in 2007. The main objective of the NCBI is to deploy services that support both access to and delivery of child-appropriate and child-safety related content and resources, and the building of databases to support helpline and hotline transactions. Content and resources were developed both at European and national levels and shared between Safer Internet Centres (SICs) through the platform (see more at www.betterinternetforkids.eu).The national SIC platform is expanded to run a range of Safer Internet services providing:1. An awareness centre (www.saferinternet.cz) for informing children, their parents, grandparents, teachers, social workers, LEA officers about better and safer use of the Internet, building on enhanced digital resource centres (repositories: www.bezpecneonline.cz; www.codeweek.cz), from which specific awareness toolkits and services are adapted and deployed, in cooperation with third parties (schools, industry).2. Online helpline services (www.pomoconline.cz) for reporting and dealing with harmful contact (grooming), conduct (cyberbullying) and content.3. A hotline (www.stoponline.cz) for receiving and managing reports and data on online illegal child sexual abuse.The three components of the SIC CZ cooperate by setting up a single Advisory Board with national stakeholders and actively contribute to the implementation of a European approach by sharing good practices and resources and taking part in European-level events.