EOS Implementer, Business Coach at Vondrell Leadership Coaching & Consulting - Seattle, WA, US
At Vondrell Leadership, I develop leadership teams to grow business! That's my main focus and I do it very well utilizing timeless methods that have been around 100 years and will be around hundreds more.I utilize a spaced learning process to develop the senior leadership team and implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) into the business. This proven process has developed the leadership teams of over 4000 businesses with unequaled success and growth. We average 18% growth per year in revenue and profit. I am an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (MBA), the Founder of Vondrell Leadership, and the creator of TTL™ Method (True Team Leadership) and the BOsS™ (Business Operating support Structure) Method for building leadership teams that grow companies.Since leaving a Sr. VP role of a multi-billion dollar multi-national corporation, I've helped transform many businesses by implementing various components of the BOsS™ Method. These are not untested structures. These are reliable and validated structures that your team establishes and implements with your leadership.I now focus all my energy on implementing EOS into businesses because I know it is the complete package of tools needed to create a whole system that will always work to grow the business of an entrepreneurial company that has an open-minded and growth-focused leadership team.If you're interested in discussing how Vondrell Leadership and EOS would increase the performance of your leadership team and give you more control over your business, reach out:https://calendly.com/vondrell/30min | Marty@VondrellLeadership.com | 425-533-4330