Bpower2 offers software and IT services to increase productivity at work and offices. Therefore our activity can be divided into 4 core areas:1. Task management with Bpower2 Multiplanner in SaaSStop receiving and sending disorganized tasks from multiple environments. Bpower2 concentrates everything in one place. Thanks to our Artificial Intelligence, employees won't forget their responsibilities and deadlines.2. Organize your work activities with Bpower2 EIMBeyond task management, we are also an Enterprise Information Management (EIM). We provide different modules to 360º business management in fields like Human resources, Payment and Invoices, data storage, sales, and much more.3. Gamification SoftwareEmployee productivity increases with the introduction of elements from the game's universe. Our Gamification Module encourages the conclusion of work tasks and missions, allowing the involved to receive material and nonmaterial prizes - as happens on games universes. This solution is being used by companies that work with sales representatives, such as FMCGs.4. On-Demand ProjectsBpower2 philosophy is creating business technology that can be easily adapted, as the business rhythm requires. Then, we can adapt our solution to specific customers' needs, as well as to develop new on-demand features.