Restore the Earth Foundation (REF) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit with a mission to restore the Earth's essential forest and wetland ecosystems. REF employs the only landscape-scale forest restoration solution with returns verified by a leading third-party impact accounting firm. Through our unique approach, we are able to unlock three times the amount in social, environmental, and economic return for every dollar invested. Our EcoMetrics™ Model measures and quantifies these returns, enabling business leaders to account for and communicate the full monetary value of their natural capital investments in a transparent and verifiable way. This tool supports the business case for investment in restoration and is compliant with global standards for ecosystems services. We have identified and prioritized one million acres in the severely degraded Mississippi River Basin—North America's Amazon—to be restored to its natural state. We are currently seeking private investors to make this million-acre opportunity a reality.