Marvin Medina

Quality Assurance Quality Control at AAR Aircraft Services Inc - Wood Dale, IL, US

Marvin Medina's Contact Details
AAR Aircraft Services Inc
Marvin Medina's Company Details
AAR Aircraft Services Inc logo, AAR Aircraft Services Inc contact details

AAR Aircraft Services Inc

Wood Dale, IL, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees
Airlines/Air Couriers

AAR is an independent provider of services to the commercial aviation and government markets worldwide. The company was incorporated in 1955 and today has revenues of approximately $1.8 billion with more than 6,000 employees in 20 countries. AAR's aftermarket expertise and award-winning aviation services, which can be integrated or leveraged separately, help customers increase efficiency and reduce costs while maintaining high levels of quality, service and safety. We are a trusted partner to customers in over 100 countries delivering competitiveness so they can focus on transporting passengers, cargo and parts around the world.We offer solutions that include:• MRO Services• Parts Supply• Integrated Solutions• Manufacturing (Composites & Mobility Systems) AAR's connected and talented employees drive our dynamic culture, which makes AAR a great place to work. With our focus on innovation, the way we work together and how we develop our products and services we have become a recognized leader in our industry.

Global Aviation Services Expeditionay Services MRO Composites Parts Supply Flight Hour Support Mobility Systems Fleet Management AOG Airlines/Air Couriers Air Transportation Scheduled Airlines/Aviation Consulting Business Services
Details about AAR Aircraft Services Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Marvin Medina
Marvin Medina currently works for AAR.
Marvin Medina's role at AAR is Quality Assurance Quality Control.
Marvin Medina's email address is *** To view Marvin Medina's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Marvin Medina works in the Airlines/Aviation industry.
Marvin Medina's colleagues at AAR Aircraft Services Inc are Mary White-email, Joshua Eckerstrom, Chuck Kamba, Paul Hernandez, Nicholas Millikan, Corlis III, Owen Lamb and others.
Marvin Medina's phone number is 630-227-2000
See more information about Marvin Medina