It's about books. How we read them, and why they get banned. In short, books get banned as a result of superficial reading. This Book is Banned gives challenged books the in-depth reading they've been denied. If a book has been deemed inappropriate by a school, library or bookstore, it has a home on our website... And we invite you to visit. There's a world of difference between knowing what a sentence says and what it means. The majority of people make their way through a book by simply processing the text on the page. They follow the dotted line from one plot point to the next and, by the end, walk away with a general understanding of what happened in the story. But little else.Books have the ability to give us a glimpse into lives and experiences other than our own. In doing so, they highlight our common humanity. Books can also shed light on complex issues such as poverty, domestic violence, colonialism, and prejudice. And they open the door to constructive conversation about these concerns.A book can be a treasure trove of information, but without the proper tools, you'll only walk away with half of its riches. This Book is Banned provides the context and tools you need to gain a deeper understanding of the books you read. So a more profound meaning will reveal itself to you.