Chief Nurse Executive at Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services - Austin, Texas, United States
Texas is the second-largest state in the country, in terms of population. Managing public health and related matters for this large and fast-growing population is the responsibility of the the Texas Health and Human Services Commission ("HHSC"). HHSC has about 12,800 employees, and a 2016 all-funds budget of $29 Billion. HHSC provides direct administration of Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and SNAP food benefits, and also provides administrative oversight of other state agencies, including: * Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) , * Department of State Health Services (DSHS) , * Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) , and, * Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) . The HHS System consolidated budget, including HHSC and the four agencies under it, is about $42 Billion per year all funds, with about 58,000 employees. In dollar terms, the single-largest component of HHSC is Medicaid/CHIP. By the fall of 2016, about 90% of all Texas Medicaid/CHIP beneficiaries will be enrolled under full-risk capitated managed care. Including Federal dollars, managed care in Texas Medicaid/CHIP is presently about $20 Billion per year in premiums, covering some 4 million beneficiaries, and contracting with over 20 managed care organizations. Links: • • • • HHSC has various locations and facilities, both in Austin and in other parts of the state. (Note that there are two different LinkedIn "company pages" for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, including this one and another one labeled simply as "HHSC." This is not intentional, and at some point these two pages should be merged. The page that you are on now was apparently initially auto-generated by LinkedIn, and for a long time had no page administrator.)