Endodontics is one of several specialties of dentistry recognized by the American Dental Association. It is the profession dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of infected teeth and bone. An endodontist, unlike a general dentist, specializes in working with the tooth pulp and tissues around the root of the tooth.Endodontics and its objectives are not new, but at Laser Endodontics of Northern Virginia, Dr. Mary Ann Choby is proud to be on the cutting edge of a "paradigm shift" in endodontics. What is changing is that lasers are making endodontists much more effective at achieving a successful outcome.The laser works by using energy to stimulate areas and to reduce bacterial counts to levels approaching sterilization. It works well on all tissue types without the heat, vibration or noise of a drill. Our Waterlase MD laser system offers patients greater comfort, promotes faster healing and decreases postoperative pain. In some cases, referral to other specialists can be avoided.