McCaughtry & Associates, Inc. has been dedicated to providing library services for the legal community in Connecticut since 1984. The company was founded and is managed by Dorothy McCaughtry, an experienced professional law librarian. Our team of information professionals and paraprofessionals, both with extensive experience in legal and business library administration, provide contractual library service that is unequaled in the state of Connecticut. The services offered by McCaughtry & Associates include, but are not limited to: Consultation •Law library organization •Collection inventory and evaluation •Staffing, hiring and training •Project administration •Space planning •Relocation/expansion planning and supervision •Insurance appraisals •Evaluation of automation products •Specialized software design Library Administration •Ongoing library supervision and maintenance •Budget development, supervision and evaluation Technical Services •Cataloging •Filing •Routing •Data entry Temporary Personnel •Professional librarian •Technical support •Paraprofessional •Clerical Research •Print •Online Our goal at McCaughtry & Associates is to help you protect the investment your firm has made in its information resources. We pledge to provide the very best service possible, in a manner tailored to meet your individual information needs.