The Downtown Norfolk Development Corporation, t/a Downtown Norfolk Council was created in 1979 to bring together the interest of downtown's private sector community with the interests of the city administration and elected leaders. A 501C-6 organization, the charter was amended in 1984 to allow the organization to have members. Since that time, membership in the organization has tripled and participation has broadened to include virtually every facet of downtown life - from those in the corporate and business world to those who live downtown. Over the years, the Downtown Norfolk Council has made an impact on downtown through significant programs including the creation of the Downtown Norfolk Historic District and the annual award-winning Holidays in the City program. The Downtown Norfolk Council often works behind the scenes through creative problem solving and through the facilitation of discussions with downtown's diverse interest groups. In 1999, the Downtown Norfolk Council contracted with the City of Norfolk to manage the newly formed Downtown Improvement District. DNC led the effort that resulted in the Downtown Improvement District and as a result, additional resources were brought to bear on the marketing of downtown, the cleanliness of downtown and the improvement of perceptions as they pertain to the safety and friendliness of downtown.