American TeleCare® (ATI), is a leading telehealth solutions company for home health, integrated delivery systems, accountable care organizations, self-funded employers, and insurance companies. ATI assists health care organizations to dramatically transform their care delivery models for chronically ill patients. Our clients manage patients in their homes to the highest standard possible providing drastically reduced re-admissions, reduced length of stay, improved clinical efficiency and outcomes. The ATI Video Patient Station provides interactive video visits; the clinician and patient see and talk to each other, the clinician makes real time health assessments, takes vital sign readings, listens to heart, lung and bowel sounds and can download high-resolution digital images. Clinicians provide reassurance and just in time education to patients while reinforcing continued care plan adherence and health goals. Patient Stations are equipped with various medical peripherals for the measuring of vital signs including our CareTone® stethoscope.ATI has Intelligent Remote Monitoring of vital signs and customized patient assessment sessions that encompass general health questions, triage, numeric vital sign assessment, self-reported health assessment, self-management skills, education and health facts.Clinicians from the office, easily create a personalized patient session by selecting specific questions from easily customized algorithms using intelligent non-linear branching logic. Each question is weighted and scored. Algorithm questions from various disease states can quickly be combined to personalize a session to address the particular disease mix for each patient. American TeleCare delivers comprehensive care solutions that improve clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction while lowering net health care costs.