Senior Recruiting Manager - Operations, Production, & Engineering Practice
CorTalent is your premier provider of recruitment and retention services. Our Minneapolis-based agency offers deep industry knowledge, extensive experience and a unique and flexible approach to bringing employers and candidates together.We are committed to upholding our CorValues through our work with each client and candidate.• Strive for Excellence• Be Tenacious & competitive• Have passion for everything we do• Be remarkable- stand out from the crowd• Think Fresh & fun Client partnership:We are changing the way that organizations work with recruiters; by becoming their partner most trusted advisor. Our mission is to help changing, evolving, and growing companies gain a competitive advantage through their most valuable assets- their people. Let us help you Find, Select, Retain, and GROW!Candidate experience:Our relationships with candidates is the key to finding and placing top talent for our clients' needs. We focus on both short and long term job ‘fit' that will align with both the client and candidate success. Our talent partners will take the time to get to know you as a person, and find out what makes you stand out from others. We will work to ensure the job fits beyond a skill set, focusing on culture and experience level. To become part of our network and conversation, join: CorTalent Recruiting & Retention Network.