MISSIONThe mission of Literacy Council of Tyler is to improve the lives of individuals and their families by eliminating illiteracy through educational services. By providing these services to any adult in need, LCOT contributes to the quality of life in Tyler. Some of the accomplishments made by LCOT students are: learning to speak, read, and write English; completing a GED, participating in higher education or vocational training, influencing their children regarding the value of an education; obtaining or retaining a job, increasing the net income for their family, and many more.HISTORYLiteracy Council of Tyler (LCOT) began in 1990 as an adult basic literacy program, but quickly expanded as we collaborated with other area agencies and began to offer English as a second language (ESL) classes. Our reputation of quality program delivery and solid financial management led Tyler Junior College to subcontract their entire Texas Education Agency adult education program to Literacy Council of Tyler in 2001. LCOT now offers Basic Education, GED, and ESL classes. We also have a successful family literacy program at the Family Learning Center of Tyler.Because of our excellent student results, Texas Education Agency recognizes LCOT as a "Model Program"; only 25% of the Texas programs received this award. In fact, Literacy Council of Tyler was one of the few programs in the state to achieve 100% of the Federal Performance Measures for Adult Education. Even though we are rated in the highest service category, we provide our services for approximately $500 per student per year while the national average is over $814 per student per year. Our services impact under educated adults, their families, and the community at large. When adults improve their educational level, they not only benefit financially, they learn to value education; their own and that of their children.