Founder/Exec. Dir/Suicide Prevention Specialist at alifeYOUnited - Spokane, Washington, United States
alifeYOUnited was created to encourage people to love themselves and each other. We are finishing K-6 curriculum (pro-kindness, pro-self-compassion, anti-bullying, suicide prevention) to take into schools across the US. We also come alongside other nonprofit agencies and encourage others to use their services. We take part in multiple suicide prevention walks (hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) throughout the Pacific Northwest every September and October, providing countless resource cards and bracelets to attendees from schools, community groups, mental health organizations, and more. alifeYOUnited is not manned with crisis response counselors, nor are we a crisis response line.If you are in crisis or would like to chat with a crisis response counselor in the US, please text the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. If this is an emergency, please call 911. In Canada, text the Crisis Text Line at 686868; in England, text 85258.