Wine Yard Technologies is a Hyderabad, India based Technology Company that is in to product design, services and custom designed projects. The company has high level expertise in cutting edge technologies including embedded software development, real time systems, RFID solutions, GSM, GPS, Zigbee and PLC based factory and building automations,. Wine Yard offers comprehensive engineering solutions based on embedded platform has developed several embedded application for use in areas such as factory and building automations, migration and porting to different hardware and software platforms. Wine Yard Technologies is an island of innovations, where knowledge meets curiosity, has been setting new branch marks in engineering solutions. Nestled in prime location in the heart of the Hyderabad city, Wine Yard believes in empowering nation by technology, creativity and freedom to ensure that technology is fun. The team members at Wine Yard upgrade their skill set time–to–time in various advanced technology domains to cater the Industry. More than 200 working professionals, professors and teaching faculty from various universities are immensely benefited by Work Shops conducted by Wine Yard Technologies on various advanced domains.