Administrative Coordinator at Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of The I.R. of Iran - Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Member of Communications Regulatory Authority Commission (CRA)
Communications Regulatory Authority was established in 2003 by virtue of article 7 of Law of Scope of Duties and Powers of Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, by combination of Deputy minister for Telecommunication Affairs directorate General of Telecommunications.The aim of establishing of CRA was to execute governmental powers as well as supervision and executive powers of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in the sector of Radio and Communication Regulatory so that as a supervisory foundation, it could pave the grounds for competitive market of telecommunication and increment, promotion and optimization of service quality. Running the secretariat and supervising over execution of ratifications of Communications Regulatory Commission is another part of the CRA's duties.Duties and Powers of Communications Regulatory Authortty (CRA)President Of CRA