I'm All Girl (& Boys, Too!), Inc. develops and delivers sexual education programs that are specifically designed for young adolescents and/or Middle School students. Kids today need help. The 'sexualization' of children pretty much begins the moment they are exposed to any kind of media. Children need help processing these images and messages in a healthy manner in order to avoid risky, life-threatening behavior. The impact of risky behavior is evidenced in the rapid increase of AIDs and STDs in children ages 12 - 16.\\The Changing & Growing Program was created specifically for adolescents and their parents and was written by education professionals including a Nurse Practioner, Biology Teacher and various health educators. The 3-Phase life skills seminars provide smart, appropriate information on the physical, emotional and social changes relating to puberty. \\The Changing & Growing Program has been presented to schools across the New York City area and we are presently planning on releasing the program in ebook format. Our plans are to first publish the program as an ebook and then transition it into an interactive learning application.