Bridging the Real and Virtual Worlds by Designing New User Experience Models VisionWith our main goal to bring the real and virtual worlds together, Koozyt aims to develop business domains that can contribute to society by bringing about new lifestyles and values.Jun Rekimoto, Director of the Interaction Lab, at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. (Sony CSL) (also Professor, The University of Tokyo) came up with the original concept behind PlaceEngine during the course of his research on real world user interfaces.Koozyt, Inc. was formed by the three members who were originally involved in the PlaceEngine Project at Sony CSL to develop new business possibilites centered on the PlaceEngine technology.Since Koozyt has co-founding members who have research background in real world user interfaces and Internet protocols and technology, this wealth of technical knowledge and creative energy, combined with know how gained from new businesses formed, will make it possible for us to expand in unique ways.The name "Koozyt" is derived from two Japanese Kanji characters, "Koo" and "Zytsu". "Koo" is the kanji meaning virtual and "Zytsu" means real. We strive to bridge the real world and the virtual or network world, bringing them closer in new ways.With our main goal to bring the real and virtual worlds together, we aim to develop business domains that can contribute to society by bringing about new lifestyles and values.