The Carillon has been the University of Regina student newspaper since 1962. It is published on Thursday no fewer than 11 times during both the fall and winter semesters and periodically throughout the spring and summer.The Carillon is published by The Carillon Newspaper Inc., a non–profit corporation that is a wholly autonomous organization with no affiliation with the University of Regina Students' Union. Opinions expressed in the pages of The Carillon, or online, are expressly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Carillon Newspaper Inc. Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing in The Carillon are those of the advertisers and not necessarily of The Carillon Newspaper Inc. or its staff.The Carillon welcomes contributions to its pages. Correspondence can be mailed, e-mailed, or dropped off in person. Please include your name, address and telephone number on all letters to the editor.