Head Of Human Resources at The Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan - , ,
The Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan (MISFA) was set up in 2003 at the invitation of the Afghan government — to get donor coordination right from the start and avoid the counter-productive efforts that have emerged from conflicting donor objectives in other post-conflict situations. It was established as a vehicle through which the Afghan Government and international donors could channel technical assistance and funding to build Afghanistan's microfinance sector. MISFA was the first facility of its kind, pooling diverse donor funding mechanisms and converting them into streamlined, flexible support to microfinance institutions in Afghanistan, tailored to local priorities and accompanied by technical assistance and strong performance monitoring.A TRIBUTE TO THE MAN WHO ENGINEERED THE CREATION OF MISFAIn March 2006, MISFA registered as a limited liability non-profit company whose sole shareholder is the Ministry of Finance of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. MISFA Ltd is an independent apex organization with a number of implementing partners on the ground. In most cases, MISFA functions as either the exclusive or primary provider of funds to its partners. The legal status of MFIs has been transformed from NGOs to that of non-profit companies registered with the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA), as permanent institutions under the laws of Afghanistan.Funding SourcesMISFA is supported by donors, international development agencies and the Government of Afghanistan.