I-Clean stands for intelligent cleaning. Cleaning superficially is no longer an option. The new threats out there cannot be under estimated. Coupled with these new threats, is also the need to develop a sense of duty towards our planet. Cleaning with products that cause harm to our environment should definitely be something of the past.At i-clean we explore what is out there and understand how we can bring it to you, our client, to consciously enable you to make the better decision towards becoming a champion to safe guard our environment, whilst cleaning effectively and efficiently. Cleaning intelligently ensures the safety for you, your staff and our planet, whilst ensuring the environment is cleaner than clean. Iclean Malta was set on the principle that we need to educate ourselves better about cleaning and understand that cleaning protocols using the best equipment is needed. I Clean Malta represents some of the top brands: I-Team Global with products such as – i-air, i-mop, i-vac, i-scrub, i-gum, i-wash, i-land, i-fibre, i-suit, i-matt, i-know, i-light, i-power Tersano the providers of iClean Mini and SAO dispenser. Introducing the powerful cleaning innovation of Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO), using O₃ to clean and sanitizeMotor Scrubber providing the STORM wand the newly designed wand to combat the Covid 19.Depureco supplying industrial vacuums, ranging from vacuums for the collection of liquids, dry solids, dust, debris and swarf. Maxima supplying powerful steam vacuumsOzonators supplying the required ozone equipment to sanitize rooms and environments using environment safe products. I-Clean Malta seeks to understand the emerging market needs. We research and put together the right products. Our objective is to become the suppliers of innovative cleaning solutions required to combat the challenging new realities.