Mem-Star Rugged were born of the expanding need for business to protect their investments. ‘Return on Investment' is the mantra of any successful business. Realisation that the initial capital cost of equipment, cannot be fairly compared to the loses felt through lost manpower, data loss, and repair time due to equipment failure or damage. The ‘Total Cost of Ownership' is now a primary driver in experienced purchasing decisions. Calling on over 20 years of experience specialising in the mobile rugged market, and dedicated to sourcing and supplying the very best in rugged solutions. We are able to ensure that we find the right solution for your specific need at a price that makes great commercial sense.We have dedicated our resources to ensuring all our customers can expect the best across all market sectors including Government, Military, Aviation, Marine, charities and corporate. From builders to oil rigs, from plumbers to pipelines. Whatever your business we can help you protect your investment by buying once and buying well.Contact us at any time to discuss how we can help you.