METGOVIS is the leader in property and revenue management solutions, providing information and consultancy services since 1994. Our integrated software solutions have been developed specifically for municipalities, valuers and property professionals to manage risk and maximize revenue opportunities by providing accurate property intelligence.The METGOVIS team includes industry leaders and former municipal officers with knowledge, experience and expertise regarding compliance, legislative processes, valuation and property data management, to address and integrate the multi-faceted needs of our clients. In short, METGOVIS is the intelligent revenue management solution for municipalities and property professionals. An accurate property register is at the heart of the METGOVIS offering. Municipalities depend on revenue for fiscal sustainability. Accurate data regarding properties within a municipal area, and their respective values, is essential for identifying sources of lost revenue. METGOVIS assists municipalities with identifying and correcting inaccuracies in the property register and ensuring that municipal billings for services are accurately reflected. Valuers and property professionals also require access to an accurate property register in order to make informed business decisions.METGOVIS's suite of products are fully compliant with municipal finance and property rates acts as well as the Auditor-General.We are dedicated to empowering our clients through training programmes that provide effective capacity building and skills transfer.For an in-depth diagnosis of your property intelligence, contact METGOVIS on 033 343 2868 or