The firm "Petersen & Cotter Moine" is specialized and devoted to counseling in customs and foreign exchange issues as well as any other matter related with International Commerce. The Firm advices Argentine and foreign companies on legal, technical and operational aspects regarding foreign trade transactions. It further represents companies before the General Customs Bureau, the National Fiscal Court and the Judicial Power. It usually provides the following services: -Advice on issues regarding tariff schedules, customs valuation and origin of goods -Defense in controversies that may arise to such respect. -Defense on summary proceedings on violations and other proceedings regarding customs offenses. -Defense of insurance companies and banks in customs surety issues. -Recovery of customs duties unduly paid. -Defense before the Central Bank in exchange issues. -Advice on unfair practices, dumping, subsidies, quotas and guarantees, among others. -Advice on issues related to the MERCOSUR and ALADI. -Claims to open Schedules to request tariff protection or duties rebate. -Issues regarding repayments and any other incentives to the export of goods. -Representation of companies in all administrative, contentious and judicial matters arising from foreign trade transactions.