There is a real problem with men today; we have lost the true meaning of manhood. It seems that we think there are only two options at our disposal; we're either the "nice guy" or the "jerk." In reality, we should be focused on being strong, empathetic, competitive, and compassionate.How do we help? Most events that men are invited to involve the "bar scene" or something similar that isn't a healthy environment. The alternative is choosing to avoid those situations, and often times that means we're avoiding all social outings. That's where we come in.We host wing nights, athletic events, camping trips, and other events that are fun, healthy, and allow men to be men. We want men to be able to have fun while growing stronger in who they were created to be.That's what Rugged Events is about; strengthening men who can then strengthen their families. We also partner with organizations that do not have many males in leadership roles so that children can experience connections with men as well as women.