Mats Hellberg

Affärschef at NCC INFRA LTD - , Uttar Pradesh, India

Mats Hellberg's Contact Details
["+55 (19) 2517-9688"]
Mats Hellberg's Company Details
NCC INFRA LTD logo, NCC INFRA LTD contact details


, Uttar Pradesh, India • 51 - 200 Employees

NCC AB is a leading construction and property development company in the Nordic Region. With annual sales of SEK 57 billion and approx. 18.000 employees (2014), NCC creates healthy environment for housing and business. NCC is active throughout the value chain to create environments for work, living and communication. NCC develops and builds residential and commercial properties, industrial facilities and public buildings, roads, civilengineering structures and other types of infrastructure. NCC also offers input materials used in construction, such as aggregates and asphalt, and conducts paving and road services. We as a company will never become better than our employees. One of our main objectives is therefore to be the industry leader in recruiting, retaining and developing employees. Do you like trying out new things before deciding what's best for you? If so, you've found the right company. At NCC, you will have excellent opportunities to move around and try out exciting new assignments.

Details about NCC INFRA LTD
Frequently Asked Questions about Mats Hellberg
Mats Hellberg currently works for NCC.
Mats Hellberg's role at NCC is Affärschef.
Mats Hellberg's email address is *** To view Mats Hellberg's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mats Hellberg works in the Construction industry.
Mats Hellberg's colleagues at NCC INFRA LTD are Annika Backman, Surya Tiwari, Susanna Wong, Johan Rosengren, Tina Meyhoff, Nina Lindberg, Pasi Korhonen and others.
Mats Hellberg's phone number is ["+55 (19) 2517-9688"]
See more information about Mats Hellberg