Engineering Consultant at Sehlare Sa Meetlwa - Kathu, Northern Cape, South Africa
Sehlare Sa Meetlwa is formalised through the strategic partnership between VBKOM and Aiko Projects and Consultants.The partnership symbolises the rich cultural diversity of the Mining Industry, together with a strongly rooted history of economic growth and cultural collaboration in which a common goal of service delivery and client satisfaction is embedded.Aiko (established in 2012) is a 100% Black youth owned company that focusses on Project and Construction Management services within the mining industry, providing key commercial and supply chain support to clients with a focus on Capital Management. Owned by Kagisho Tleane (Managing Director: Sehlare Sa Meetlwa), who focusses on local development within regions of operation to South African women and men of previous disadvantage.VBKOM enjoys a rich successful history within the mining industry which stretches over 12 years as an established organization. VBKOM's service focus is multidisciplinary engineering and project management consulting to Africa's mining and capital-intensive industries. By unearthing the opportunities, the solutions VBKOM offer have the power to change lives.