The Center for Design at the College of Arts Media and Design is Northeastern's platform for interdisciplinary design research. It's a space for collaborative research activities and a hub for connecting the actors of the design eco-system.It aims at sharing knowledge and practices, shaping common tools and methods, strengthening a unified disciplinary ground.Design as an ‘interdisciplinary and integrative discipline'–with its capacity to map the complex dynamics of an issue, foresee its evolution, and shape tangible and intangible interfaces, experiences, services and systems–can empower the network between and across disciplines. Design also facilitates the cross-disciplinary discourse itself through innovative communication methods, and as a ‘third discipline' mediates across humanics.The Center for Design opens up a new space for these interdisciplinary exchanges; it is where the design research agenda is collectively shaped and innovative solutions are collaboratively conceived and developed through joint research initiatives. Building solid ground for the bridges that CAMD faculty members have already established internally and promoting new collaborations with other areas both within and beyond Northeastern University, the Center for Design gathers the critical mass needed to leverage existing research initiatives, providing them a fertile environment to grow and systematically sustain them.