Cambridge For Kids has produced a number of historical podcast series aimed at children who are looking to further their knowledge in all things history. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy to understand for children. Written and narrated by Cambridge based archaeologist Matthew John Brooks.The Rise of the Roman EmpireThe mighty Roman Empire's rise and fall, its culture, economy and famous leaders, and how it laid the foundations of the modern world, will all be revealed in this epic series. The Ancient Greeks Packed full of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific achievements that formed a lasting legacy. The Age of the EgyptiansWho were they? How long ago did they live? Hopefully in the next 10 episodes, all your questions will be answered and will give you a good understanding of this fascinating ancient civilisation. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were marvels of architecture, human ingenuity, and engineering on a scale that even the greatest minds today would struggle to reproduce. How did the ancients manage such a feat? Let's find out. When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth This biting series details one of the most interesting creatures to roam the earth, millions and millions of years ago, the dinosaurs.