upon - Tweed, England, United Kingdom - HP/UHP jetting operative at IKM Measurement Services Australia Pty Ltd - Welshpool, WAU, AU
IKM Testing Brasil was established in 2009 and is 100% owned by IKM Gruppen AS. The company's objective is to become a major supplier for commissioning, inspection, testing, cleaning services both onshore and offshore industries.Established in 12 countries and employing about 2500 people, IKM Group is a multidiscipline sub supplier to the oil and gas industry. Our priority area is growth: growth in sales, growth in profits and growth in the services supplied. IKM will continue to establish new businesses, do acquistitions and alliances in order to steadily develop IKM as a quality supplier.IKM consists of two juridical groups, the IKM Group and IKM Invest AS.The IKM Group conduct business within the following main areas:• Electrical/Instrument/Process • Subsea/Completion/Commissioning • Engineering/Operations/• Fabrication/Inspection