BucK MooN is an organic evolving brand in its infancy. The goal is to contribute to the collective desire/growth of a more sustainable economic model that serves a broader group of stakeholders. We believe that the "shareholder primacy" model of capitalism, promoted in by Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman in the 1970's and ingrained in the 1980's, generated great wealth over the past 40 years, but also led to Environmental, Social and Governance challenges that now need to be addressed in a more sustainable way that will create a better life for our children and grandchildren.To address these issues, we can either adopt increased government imposed solutions,OR, preferably, evolve capitalism and business in a way that will address the most pressing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) challenges in our communities, country and world. We look for root causes to identify, apply, and test sustainable solutions with a motivation to learn as opposed to confirming previous "common sense" and biases.We envision an economy in which people deploy their inherent skills, gifts and talents in a way that will produce the greatest VALUE for their community and society as opposed to people selling their time for the greatest monetary reward/compensation.By shifting to a more sustainable mindset we will realize innovation and value creation, more than we have seen in decades. We look to right economic, social, and environmental injustices that have been exacerbated by systems built on shareholder primacy. Healthcare, education, technology economic/social opportunity and politics will all see tremendous benefits in a #21stcenturycapitalism #21stcenturyeconomics system.At this stage BucK MooN provides services in the areas of - Sustainable Business ConsultingESG (Environmental Social & Governance) Education and ConsultingEconomic & Social Trend AnalysisCircular Economy Services (Buying, Selling, Reusing, Re-purposing of previously produced goods)