[Synergistic] syn·er·gis·tic \ adj : the phenomenon of two or more discrete influences or agents acting in common to create an effect, which is greater than the sum of the effects each is able to create independently.[Approach] ap·proach \ vrb : to make advances especially in order to create a desired result: a particular manner of making such advances. Our name is derived from our corporate philosophy, designed to communicate how we conduct ourselves in the business world. We, meaning our firm, our partnering firms and our clients, all working together, take a synergistic approach to achieving a common goal. That goal, as with all organizations, is to succeed and prosper. Our objective, developing long term partnerships with our vendors and clients, achieved through a deep understanding of their business, capabilities, corporate environment and major challenges. Our role, to act as highly capable resources for our clients as those challenges arise. Have you ever had to turn away business because you did not have the resources or expertise in house to meet a client's needs? The real risk is passing the opportunity and potential future business on to your competitor. The challenge of maximizing capacity and minimizing cost while meeting your client's ever-changing needs can be real daunting. This is where our team provides real value. We become your virtual capacity cushion so to speak. If you cannot add capacity to meet demand, or if a client requests a specific skill set you do not possess, we are your backup. If we do not have the talent in house, one of our partnering firms will. In the event they do not we will go out and do all we can to find the talent. Regardless of whether you need simple drawing conversions or complete system design, build and installation, we are here to support your organization in any capacity we can.