The role and purpose of zoos have changed enormously in recent decades. As a modern zoo, Perth Zoo aims to provide visitors with the opportunity to encounter the natural world and to become involved in conservation action.Our vision, which inspires and directs our work, is for a world where diversity of species and habitats is secure.Our purpose as an organisation is to actively contribute to conservation. This is done through our research activities, support for wildlife projects, our animal breeding programs particularly breeding animals for release into the wild, wildlife rehabilitation, and partnerships with other groups and organisations. Perth Zoo also actively contributes to conservation through the work of its staff in field conservation, wildlife veterinary training, education programs and interpretation. We actively work to connect our visitors with ways that they can contribute to conservation. We do this by using the Zoo as a resource and a learning environment about conservation and environmental sustainability and by providing opportunities for visitor involvement.Our aims include connecting people with nature, inspiring in people a passion for conservation, and providing links and practical means for people to be active in conservation programs here at the Zoo and beyond our borders.