American Spirit is a weekly 30 min TV Series featuring all aspects of Motorcycle Recreation and Enthusiasm....a "must see" for the avid motorcycle enthusiast. Deemed the "Motorweek Of Motorcycles" This Show Rocks! with every exciting episodes for all ages, and media genre interest's....In it's 3rd Season Coast to Coast U.S. we're still growing. Currently we air Nat'l Coast o Coast U.S. Via Linear, and Non-Linear Platforms. Linear TV incudes Digital Cable Network's,IPTV,Satellite, Network Affilites ( ABC,CBS,NBC,FOX DirecTV & Cable in select U.S. Cities. Q3 Current HH reach available to over 60M HH in over 200 markets, 35 Network Affilaites, in Top 25 DMA Cites. This series is also available Worldwide via our "free" Mobile App on iTunes, Droid, for Smartphones,Tablets,Pads... and via streaming on Omniverse TV(River Broadcasting Network) our Youtube and media partners.Non-Linear "Social Profiles" series facebook,Youtube & twitter are also seeing significant market penetration and success. Our ASTV "Free" Mobile App on iTunes,Droid are a steady 500-1K downloads per mo. avgThe success within the Rider Community is the "Grass Roots" Rider to Rider pogramming style with each episode viewer' will be entertained with maint tips, asst'd cycle brand features, bike rally's and more... This is a "Lifestyle's/Factual" entertsainmnt program- not a Drama Reality based program- though much of what we film & feature is true reality in the motorcycle genre for day to day riders.