Medicare, (and Health Insurance in general), is a MAZE! Few people understand it and often make decisions not in their best interest. I sit with Seniors and guide them through the Medicare system. I provide Medicare Advantage plans which have $0 premium, & Medicare Supplement plans to ensure they have the best coverage available at the lowest cost available! If you are turning 65 in the next 6 months, or have parents or loved ones who need help getting through the maze, call me, I have all the answers, & if I don't I WILL get them...I also provide Group Health coverage for companies & Individual Health coverage for anyone who needs it. There are a LOT of considerations here and having a personal agent with unlimited resources, a superior team of experts with decades of experience on my team ensures you get what you need & what you want. Workers Compensation Insurance for your company is the LAW. If you don't have it, you'd better get it quick! I can & will reduce your RAF score, (Risk Adjustment Factor), which will reduce your rates. I also write all other lines of insurance, Life, Term, Annuities, and insurance based financial investment products for those of you looking to invest with safety & confidence avoiding the risk of the volatile stock market. Call me, it's free & knowledge is power.