Pixell is a communications agency founded in 2000 in the middle of the millennium bug, the first and unremarkable obstacle in our 20 years in business; but fortunately we had no idea then what the future would hold.Our obstacle course has taken us through the deep recession of 2006 and the crisis of 2013; so how did we survive such catastrophic times?With the only weapons we had at the time, and which we still guard jealously today: our creativity and passion, and the single-minded goal of creating value. Over time these weapons have proved to be very powerful, and they've always been with us on our long journey.Today, after 20 years of hard work, we support the online and offline communications of major Italian and international brands.Our name is Pixell. We've added just one letter to the minimal unit, the pixel.And today that letter means we can tell you a story that lasts 20 years.Our story.PHILOSOPHYWe've changed a lot since the year 2000, because the world around us has changed a lot.But some things have stayed - and will always stay - the same, year after year. Some things have never changed, and never will.Our creativity, which we use to make each of your projects unique and recognisable.Our passion, which we translate every day into the work we do for you and with you.Our values, which guide us in the communications strategies we recommend to help you reach your goals.What's our secret? The truth is our secret is yours, and it's embodied in every brief you entrust us with.All we do is work with both hemispheres of our brains simultaneously.The right: intuitive, creative and emotional. We build the idea for you.The left: logical, concrete and rational. We work with you to achieve results.Our aim is to focus on perfection. The mistake we don't want to make is thinking that perfection is no longer possible in our world.