Matthew Fishman

Marketing & Business Freelancing at Marketing & Business - N/A, , US

Matthew Fishman's Contact Details
New York City Metropolitan Area
Marketing & Business
Matthew Fishman's Company Details
Marketing & Business logo, Marketing & Business contact details

Marketing & Business

N/A, , US • 20 - 49 Employees

Nos especializamos en dar consultorías en Marketing e Investigación de Mercados a pequeñas y medianas empresas, lo que no siginfica que las grandes estén excluidas. Hacemos un Marketing personalizado de acuerdo a las necesidades de la empresa, parte de nuestro trabajo es hacer marketing BTL, marketing relacional, marketing político, campañas comunicacionales, diseño de imagen corporativa, planeamiento estratégico, planes de marketing, estrategias de marketing, campañas publicitarias, etc etc

Marketing Software/Advertising Software Management Consulting Services Marketing and Advertising
Details about Marketing & Business
Frequently Asked Questions about Matthew Fishman
Matthew Fishman currently works for Marketing & Business.
Matthew Fishman's role at Marketing & Business is Marketing & Business Freelancing.
Matthew Fishman's email address is *** To view Matthew Fishman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Matthew Fishman works in the Advertising/Marketing/PR industry.
Matthew Fishman's colleagues at Marketing & Business are Nikki Prioleau, Jamal Harris, Marty Schmidt, Kusum Tiwari, Richard Cabrera, Anne Morse, Takeshi Ueno and others.
Matthew Fishman's phone number is N/A
See more information about Matthew Fishman