Barre, Pennsylvania, United States - Estimator - RK Hydro at VAC Co - Voluntari, , Romania
Romvac Company SA was created in 1974 as a part of Avian Production Central to supply with vaccines the avian production on Romanian market. Nowadays Romvac Company works as a private commercial shares company with a social capital of more than 4.600.000 lei. Romvac Co SA having over 300 registered products and an yearly business of more than 10,000,000 Eur is now the leader on home market of biological and veterinary products. Furthermore, in 2008, ROMVAC Company has obtained the certification of Integrated Management System, that includes: 1. The ISO 9001 certificate 2. The certification of Environment Management System, ISO 14001 3. The certification of the Health and Working Security System, OHSAS 18001:2004. This Integrated Management System is the highest certification which guarantees both in Romania and any other country in the world, ROMVAC's reputation regarding the ability of producing and marketing best quality products with concern to the environment and to ensuring safe and proper working condition for all personnel. Owing to a financial effort of more than 3.100.000 lei made in 2007, we improved the production technology, the procedures of preparation and control, so that in January 2007 Romvac Co. SA was confirmed again by the National Sanitary Veterinary Authority with GMP certificate, first obtained in December 2004