Organizations invest in security expecting that it will ultimately reduce risk. The challenge is that many organizations lack the insight or experience to know if the applied resources (people, process, technology) are truly reducing risk. Security Vitals has the broad experience of supporting enterprises large and small. Leveraging risk evaluation tools and process, we reveal the areas of greatest risk and help effectively apply resources to mitigate it. For organizations that need ongoing assistance, Security Vitals also offers managed security programs that provide monthly support to address risk from both a process and technology perspective. Recognizing Security Vitals' expertise in the InfoSec community, Haymarket Media selected the company to conduct SC Magazine product reviews beginning in 2018. This venture reinforces Security Vitals' thought leadership and leverages its team's experience to evaluate a wide variety of security product categories. Through this process, Security Vitals will gain additional exposure to evolving technologies, which will ultimately benefit current and future clientele.