Make better first-impressions, lead conversations, lift-up those around you, and earn more money. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional, own a small business, or have never worked in a customer-facing role, it's about time you started understanding the psychological principles that will win you more customers and lead to the financial freedom that you deserve.Hi we're Jeremy and Matthew, we founded Success by Process during the covid-19 pandemic. We have both demonstrated success in sales across different roles and countries. We bring perspectives from vastly different industries that have helped us to develop a unique take on traditional sales training and processes.In a challenging business climate, we wanted to use our unique experience and skill sets to support our favourite small businesses, many of which were struggling at the time. As the writing process began, the project evolved into a curriculum covering all facets of sales and marketing. The content is designed specifically for non-salespeople and anyone who doesn't consider their role to be directly "salesy". Whether you're a teacher, personal trainer, real estate agent, retailer, small-business owner or sole-trader, pilot, working in hospitality, or even in a non-customer facing role such as administration or logistics - and not limited to the above! You can improve your relationships and financial well-being by learning to communicate more effectively.Our courses are taught with an emphasis on deep understanding of core sales and communication principles. The theory is then applied through daily practice to build effective habits; always with a focus on empathetic and genuine communication.