Get cash from your home equity with no interest, no monthly payments, no added debt.QuantmRE is a real estate finance platform that originates and funds Home Equity Agreements. This new financial tool enables qualifying homeowners to get a cash lump sum from their home equity with no monthly payments, no interest and no added debt. A Home Equity Agreement is an equity based solution - it's not a reverse mortgage, it's not a loan and it's not a line of credit. Instead of charging interest, we take a share of the current equity together with a share of the appreciation if the value of the home goes up. We also share in the potential downside risk if the home decreases in value.People who have been turned down for a loan or mortgage can still qualify for a Home Equity Agreement and get cash from their home equity, again with no interest and no monthly payments. In many cases the homeowner has up to thirty years to sell their home or to refinance the agreement. Our plan is to help unlock hundreds of millions of dollars of equity for homeowners, providing them with much needed cash with no interest, no monthly payments and no added debt.The QuantmRE platform has also been designed to enable a wide range of investors to fund these Home Equity Agreements, including retail investors. Our platform has been designed to be a secondary market exchange where investors can build, model, manage and trade individual portfolios of fractionalized Home Equity Agreements .