OVERVIEWAcademy Construction & Development (formerly Academy Developments) commenced operation in 2002. Our main operations and services are development, management, design and construction. Our experience and expertise originated in traditional trade skills and has evolved into a sophisticated organisation offering a diverse range of services.We have an extensive residential design and construction heritage that spans over 20 years. To date, over 400 townhouses and units have been constructed, with a total value of nearly $400 million. All projects were completed on time and on budget, with no lost time injuries recorded.We have endorsement under JAS-ANZ, and are accredited with the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme and compliance in accordance with Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems. We also operate in accordance with Quality Standard ISO9001 Most of our work has been for Defence Housing Australia and NSW Housing where we just completed 125 units over 14 sites.