awakening our creative spirit in a delightful, inspiring wayFor me, creating mandalas is more than just coloring pretty patterns in a circle. I do it because my spiritual evolution and my creativity demand it of me. With each new pattern that catches my eye, I want to play with it, turn it around, twist it, turn it upside down, try it this way and that...and THEN go about coloring it...sometimes more than once. I do this all within an active meditative state, connected with my higher self, my spiritual guides and nature spirits.Together, we bring into form, mandala art the allows me to re-connect with my own inner peace and joy, letting me explore and expand my own creative spirit to however far and in whatever direction I want to take it.As part of my own spiritual journey, I encourage, and hopefully inspire, others to explore their own creativity, to help them re-connect with their own inner peace and joy. As a means to that end, I make all of my mandalas available for people to color. Why should I have all the fun?