We have access to an extensive range of natural precious and semi-precious coloured gemstones from around the globe. Our contacts range from some of the biggest gem companies/dealers in the world to individual brokers. We are also in direct contact with a number of proprietors that own old and new mines on several continents. Extending from Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to Sri Lanka, Africa and as far away as Brazil, our far-reaching network provides us with access to the finest gemstones on Earth.Our aim is to offer our customers fine quality coloured gemstones and bespoke jewellery at affordable prices. Because of our extensive networks, we are able to bypass additional costs that lead to inflated prices. This allows us to offer high quality gems at very competitive rates.GemEarth has also been trading in gemstones for about 9 years on eBay. Our sales to date are in excess of $1 million. We have built up a substantial customer base over the years, with thousands of satisfied buyers. We are extremely proud of our impeccable reputation and feedback on eBay. The drawback of selling on eBay are the fees; we can offer our gems at a lower price here on our website as we cut out fees associated with selling on eBay.