ProteoNic is a biotechnology company active in development and licensing of DNA technology for cell line generation and recombinant protein production for pharmaceutical applications. We offer premium vector technology that substantially boosts production levels of therapeutic proteins and other biologics. Cost savings are immediate and sizeable, freeing up production capacity and enabling commercially viable production of difficult to express proteins. ProteoNic’s 2G UNic™ drives higher production for all types of therapeutic protein products, including monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars and more difficult-to-express (DTE) proteins, such as Fc-fusion proteins and bi-specifics, contributing to their economic viability. Our patented technology does not require modifications to existing production systems or work flows and is compatible with all production cell lines and expression systems used in the industry. Independent technical and commercial validation by third parties, including top tier biopharma, demonstrates severalfold productivity level increases that translate into multi-million Euros in annual cost savings. The technology has wide ranging potential to boost production efficiencies in other important applications, including viral vector production, protein production in yeast and technologies which impact product quality. The company is headquartered at the BioScience Park in Leiden, the Netherlands and has a Boston, USA office for Business Development in the North American market.