GlobalMed, LLC is a United States Company, based out of Lafayette, Louisiana. GlobalMed, LLC provides medical staffing and healthcare services internationally. We provide our clients with the security of knowing that employees are being cared for and educated by qualified and experienced physicians, nurses and paramedics. We provide these services on an international basis, in some of the most remote parts of the world, including war torn and disaster stricken areas; areas where conventional western standards of medicine were previously unavailable. GlobalMed, LLC provides "International Medical Solutions".By staffing our clinics with a mixture of healthcare professionals ranging from Physicians to Paramedics we are able to provide a very broad scope of healthcare services to the clients with whom we contract. From simple healthcare screenings to urgent emergency care and evacuation of contractor employees, we are staffed to meet any need that may arise. GlobalMed, LLC also seeks out experienced local healthcare professionals (when base access is allowed) to work under the supervision and guidance of our western staff. This enables us to successfully traverse any cultural or language barriers which may exist.