Era Health is a one stop health clinic fully owned and operated by Southern Medical Services Pty Ltd, a private, Australian medical company.Our mission is to provide high quality, comprehensive treatment to our patients. To achieve this, we work with the best medical and allied health practitioners that provides services forINDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES GPDentalPhysiotherapyPodiatryPsychologySpecialistEMPLOYERS & ORGANIZATIONSPre-employment MedicalsCorporate and Occupational Health ProgrammesDrug & Alcohol Screening and MRO ServicesInjury Management & AdviceExecutive Health AssessmentsMobile Medical & Physiotherapy ServicesDuties Register and Medical Guidelines DevelopmentFitness for DutyVaccinations, Flu Shots and Travel HealthManual Handling TrainingExit Health AssessmentsHealth SurveillanceErgonomic and Risk AssessmentsRail & Tram MedicalsShipping, Offshore and HUET MedicalsDiving MedicalsAviation MedicalsMedical Legal ReportsOur clinic is fully computerised. For the convenience of patients, all our centres have onsite pathology collection services.